Welcome to the worldly adventures of SEVEN

SEVEN is a collective of multi-disciplined artists from rural Nova Scotia. Collaboration is the foundation for creativity, where each artist responds artistically in her own medium to a selected theme. Through collective discourse, various elements combine to form a much richer body of thought - adding new and perhaps unforeseen levels of creativity and interpretation.

Rurally routed to their tidal landscape, SEVEN knows, what goes out, does come in.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Things are moving

Hey! Hey! When I say things are moving I mean it. Back in July I moved residence. It's a cool little flat that I love. I have a nice big room to work in with big windows and southern exposure. Right now I'm mostly painting in it. Lots of floor cloths that I love doing and have tried a few canvases but nothing I'm happy with. That's OK. I won't force it. Deborah and Angela have been very inspirational for me to try to paint but there's no way I can keep up with them. After an interview with a friend in Halifax who does film, video and digital editing I am encouraged to go back to school to learn some computer skills. It's a lot embarrassing how little I know - especially since I started using macs when they first got used for desk top publishing. It was back when I was switching from being a graphic artist to a metalsmith. So here it is 20 years later and I'm thinking it might be a good idea to really sink my teeth into the medium. Computers might be the next big thing and I don't want to miss out on it!! I'll be registering at NSCAD University for a couple introductory courses this summer. I'll let you know how it goes...

I'm also very happy to say the other thing that has moved is the copper out of my body! After my third hair analysis test it shows the copper levels in my body have dropped to (almost) normal. Now with all the detox I have been doing I have also dug up the lead and cadmium out of my tissues and getting that on the move as well. It was a little surprising to see those levels go up from one test to the next but my naturopath says it means I'm getting rid of those too. So all my hard work is paying off - it's not quite over yet and I still have a way to go but I feel better than I have in a long time and that will keep me going on the right path.

And now for another move. Starting January 3rd. I'll be flying to Copenhagen to start my European whirlwind trip. I have been skrimping and saving and selling artwork so that I could go galavanting across the continent for 2 months. I have been agonizing over it because I could really use a new computer and some other stuff but I really need to do a trip like this because I may never get the chance again. Other than rent, I don't have any responsibilities so that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! I do have a responsibility to my girls in SEVEN for our show at the Craig Gallery next April. I have another to treat myself after a few difficult years of divorce, death of my mother and the death of my metalsmithing career. I don't plan to just look around and lollygag in Europe. I'll be busy figuring out what they do that we in Canada don't. I'll be drawing and taking pictures and getting work ready for the Craig show. I'll be playing my Ukulele, writing and gathering bits of paper for another costume to perform in. I'll be people watching and going to some amazing places and looking at art and architecture and eating some great food too. It's also doctors orders that I find some places to get a sauna and mud bath!

Well, that's my update. I won't be blogging or doing much contact other than letting people know I'm alright. I'll be sending my own hand drawn postcards to a few friends and SEVEN peeps but I'm saving the best for the show at the Craig Gallery at Alderney Landing next April. Then if I can get some funding I'll be putting on a multi-media show at the Al Whittle Theater in Wolfville next fall. I'm not bringing much technology with me so you won't be able to follow my travels. Somehow that's like watching a trailer for a movie that gives you the whole story without having to go see the movie! Now I have to go do a trial suitcase packing. 'Ere we go...