Welcome to the worldly adventures of SEVEN

SEVEN is a collective of multi-disciplined artists from rural Nova Scotia. Collaboration is the foundation for creativity, where each artist responds artistically in her own medium to a selected theme. Through collective discourse, various elements combine to form a much richer body of thought - adding new and perhaps unforeseen levels of creativity and interpretation.

Rurally routed to their tidal landscape, SEVEN knows, what goes out, does come in.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Seven's Change

Seven is sadly saying good-bye to Charter Member, Pia Skarrer Nielsen.  With Seven since its conception in 2006, Pia has left the group to further study in the textile fields of Tapestry, spinning and all things woolly.  She continues with her business Wonderous Woolerie.  Pia and husband Soren are spending much time sailing our South Shore and enjoying other adventures.

Pia made a spectacular contribution to Seven, participating in shows at /Argyle Fine Art, Halifax, Awakenings at Harvest Gallery, Wolfville, and leading our group to our largest adventure to date- Three gallery shows at various locations in Denmark, and culminating with our presentation at the Craig Gallery, in Dartmouth.

We will miss Pia and her input to our group. But we understand that everyone's life must evolve and priorities change over the years.