Welcome to the worldly adventures of SEVEN

SEVEN is a collective of multi-disciplined artists from rural Nova Scotia. Collaboration is the foundation for creativity, where each artist responds artistically in her own medium to a selected theme. Through collective discourse, various elements combine to form a much richer body of thought - adding new and perhaps unforeseen levels of creativity and interpretation.

Rurally routed to their tidal landscape, SEVEN knows, what goes out, does come in.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How not to post a blog!

And so this morning I put my mind to write a little piece about our exhibit in Hoersholm, just North of Copenhagen. And I had forgotten to put the rith adress in the posting which meant that ....
The posting is only on www.wonderouswoolerie.blogspot.com
I have tried to repost it but it didn't seem to work, thus, please click on the above link and enjoy it from that vantage point instead.
Have a great week every one

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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